Saturday, 25 June 2011

Another night out

Last night we went out clubbing. Not sure if it will be the last time before the little one comes, but I'm sure we won't have much time left. The wife sat down pretty much the whole time. She started on a bar stool. Eventually she ended up sitting at the desk chatting with the door staff. A nice perk of the pregnancy is even those working there didn't ask her to get up and move so they could work. The downside was that when the door lass wanted to take a few minutes for a loo break or a quick boogie, we both ended up managing the door, taking dosh, stamping hands, etc. Still it was a fun night out, even though she never got to the dance floor. I did manage to dance to a few songs. I felt I really should make the effort even since I discovered that last time I went out dancing it did wonders for my out-of-wack shoulder.

There was another pregnant woman there – which was nice to see. Usually the wife is the only one. She was only 28 weeks along, and visibly more mobile than the wife. And, of course, we had the usual chat about all things sprogly.

I do have to stop myself from thinking This could be my last night out for a while every time I do manage to go out. I really should be more optimistic. I'd much rather accidentally never go out again than to have to keep pointing out to myself I should make the most of what's before me.

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