So now she has a bit of a cough. Not surprising given how cold it's gotten. They say it'll even snow this weekend, but I really doubt that.
Her illness seems quite minor, just a bit of coughing and stuffiness. But she has to experience it all without any meds. Definitely no sudafed. Just lots of hot water with lemon. Would be honey if I could remember to get to the shops. It's just so cold, when the work day is done I just want to go home.
We've told all the parents and immediate siblings. All done over skype since they're all too far away to tell in person, and phone just seems so impersonal.
I'm not comfortable announcing at large until the new year when we're a bit sure it's taken. So this blog remains anonymous
In "that's interesting" news, I find myself being usually polite to her. Carrying things for her, putting up the kettle, that sort of thing. I'm not quite sure why. She's just a few weeks in and not a delicate flower at all -- she can leg press 2½ of me. I'm wondering if it's some hardcoded male thing: Must provide for woman carrying my spawn. I guess if I'm still taking out all the rubbish in a month, we'll have our answer.
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