Monday, 13 December 2010

We're going with UCH now

The paperwork from UCH (UCLH?) arrived in the post the other day. They sent us two appointments, one for the initial "let's get the ball rolling" appointment (or at least I assume that's what it's for) in a week and another on 10 Jan for the first ultrasound. It strikes me as odd that they just say "and you show up here now" rather than "call to make an appointment for when it's good for you." Not that we couldn't just phone to fix it.

The other thing that strikes me as odd was some of the terminology. The ultrasound is described using both least-common-denominator words like "tummy" as well as precise jargon like "transducer".

The paperwork comes with the appointments, a couple of pamphlets (more on that later) , plus two forms to fill in if you want to do any studies. The scientist in me is fascinated. Yes please. I want to enrich human knowledge. I've always wondered things like where they get people for tests like this, or, for that matter, newborns for TV shows and movies.

I mean, you've got a really small window for when they look like a newborn. And births don't lend themselves to planning well. I can just picture planning the shooting schedule for a season:

"Ok, we need a newborn for next October for the birth show. We're shooting on the 11th. Can you find six women due just before then? Whoever's got the most attractive kid by the 8th we'll hire. "

Scientific studies I suppose are harder:

"I've got a theory that we can detect Foobars Syndrome as early as 7 weeks!"

"Great. Now we just need to find someone freshly knocked-up and knows it and has a GP aware and willing to pass on your study and can get referred to us in time."

"You're right. Maybe I should ask for volunteers in the department."

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