Friday, 25 February 2011

Now they know

I've finally come clean and have told the world about her pregnancy. Everyone knows except work: mine and hers.

She's keeping it quiet since they might renew her contract, and we could use the extra 3 months income. If they know they might not bother.

I'm looking for a new job. I'm being made redundant in the current job, so there's no point in telling them, unless, of course, I want to make them feel bad. I suppose I could have mentioned it before they made the final decision, but, to be honest, I'm better off leaving. Though it is still tempting to tell them just to guilt my soon-to-be-ex-management.

The question is when to tell the next employer. The law here is that they're not allowed to ask in an interview, so I can only assume there's a reason for it. I suppose I'll just have to wing it and see what kind of feeling I get from them. I do want to try to talk them into giving me paid paternity leave, so I've got to bring it up at some point in the hiring process.

Besides all that, at least the cat is out of the bag. Which good since the number of baby books and pamphlets around the house have reached a critical mass, and I don't think I could possibly hide them all.

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