I had my baby shower on Sunday. Well, it wasn't a normal baby shower. Besides the fact that I'm male, of course. It was closer to a low intensity stag do. A few of us went out for drinks and bowling. The basic concept was that it was my last night out before knuckling down and preparing for the birth. After the bowling, the wife came to join us for a few hours of random natter. Definitely fun, though my bowling is terrible. I really must get better before I take the kid bowling – she has to believe I'm wonderful at all things.
Or maybe not. I have promised myself I will try my best to not lie to her. It's hard. Adults have a really hard time not lying to kids. They're just so willing to believe anything. I've caught myself at it a few times, and I'm conscious of it. It's really hard to stop, even though I know that it's just wrong. It must be hardcoded in or something.
There are a number of things I promised myself I would not do, but since I've been doing all kinds of reading on the subject I find that there a logical reasons for a lot of them. Like why people talk to babies in baby talk. However, I am firmly of the mind that babies should be imitating you not the other way around. But it seems that some mimicry is just easier for them to process. So we'll just have to see where I draw the line on dignity.
On that note, I've decided that the baby shower will be my last night of any but the most trivial of drinking. If the wife can pop at any moment, I want a clear head to be always at hand. After the shower we had a little scare that she might be in labour. My reaction was simply Holy shit! I'm not ready.
Turns out she wasn't and that this was a known effect of the raspberry leaf tea. But at the time we didn't know, so I had to go around and prepare things. I found that after all those G&Ts that I could not keep more than a single instruction in my head at time. The scare only lasted half an hour, and afterwards I was able to stop panicking. But I realised that I needed to be constantly on the ball for the next month, since I'll have to have some working brains at a moment's notice. It's an interesting lesson to have learnt.
Also, be forewarned the kind of tiredness one gets with a newborn around does not mix well with alcohol. Actually, the tiredness feels a bit like drunkenness, and alcohol doesn't help things!