Saturday, 18 February 2012

EC going well

The EC seems to be going rather well. I'm impressed how little effort and how much easier it makes life. The little one has taken to it like a duck to… well… not water, but perhaps the grass near a pond. It's not its favourite place to be, but it's content to spend some time there despite being a little awkward.

Anyway, it is a bit of a relief for us. While she still pees in her nappies more often than not, she generally only dirties her nappy on average once every two days. And considering that cleaning her bum after pooing in the loo is so much easier than after defecating in a nappy, I can definitely live with this.

It's not all smooth sailing. She's really good about the loo first thing in the morning, since she's been holding it in all night. That alone would make EC worth it. It's during the day we really have to guess when she needs to go. If she doesn't need to go she'll fidget and cry and generally try to escape – not the safest thing to do when sitting on the loo, even with the baby seat. She also tends to prefer when I'm holding her on the loo. I don't mind that at all, except for the fact that I'm not there during working hours, and disappear for a few days at a time at irregular intervals. I don't know if the relative infrequency is why she prefers me, or maybe I just have an easier time squatting in front of her on the floor (L's hips are still recovering from the pregnancy).

So… EC – definitely a success. I'll certainly be keeping this up.

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