Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Now we are cruising

The little one started crawling and standing at around the same time, back in Feb. Her crawling is getting much better. She was flopping one hesitant hand on the floor at a time. Now she'll move from room to hallway – where she'll get distracted by something and stay for a while.

She can also now stand, but only holding on to something. So she'll pull herself up on a baby gate, chair, table or whatever she can find, and then just stand for ages. She's taken to bending down while holding on to pick up a toy. It's cute – she bends over like an old lady. Weird symmetry there.

She's also trying very hard to stand without holding on to anything. But she ends up just doing a downward facing dog. I suspect standing on her own will be coming quite soon.

She's cruising to the extent that she'll hold on to something and slowly shuffle down the length of it to get where she wants to be. For those non-baby people reading this, cruising means just that – walking by holding on to something and moving along it.

She likes standing. She seems to really like it, and will pull herself up whenever she can. All. The. Time. Especially when she's upset. It seems to be her way of self-soothing.
Which is quite annoying, since a child learning to self sooth is the big hurdle on the way to getting them to fall asleep on their own. And clearly, she's not going to fall asleep while standing, holding on to the side of a cot. So easy sleeping is not in the cards for us anytime soon. In fact, I can hear the wife downstairs right now trying to sing her to sleep. I'm always torn, if I go down there to try to help, seeing me may wake the girl. Or maybe tag-teaming the lulling may help. It's really hard to tell how the wee one's going to react.

As an aside, I've not posted for ages and ages. I've been ill with complications and now springtime allergies. The wife was ill. The child was ill. I'd had nothing to write about except how unpleasant a family of snot and fever was. And I've done that enough times that I figured a break was in order. I read a book. And ate a lot of ice cream.

On a final note, I finally got the cheque from Virgin Atlantic for the damage they did to the pram on our flight to the States when she was 3 months old. She was 7 months old when we got the cheque. Again, not impressed.


  1. She's really getting her yoga down. She used to do Pigeon Pose - eg:


  2. Cat pose, airplane pose. Babies get quite a workout.
