Tuesday, 23 October 2012


It's been ages since I've posted here. Not sure if it's lack of time or volition. So much has happened in the last 7 weeks, this would be the largest post ever if I tired to cover it all. So I'll keep this brief.

The girl has followed the pox with a number of small colds. Or maybe one long one. It's hard to tell. On the bright side she's learning to wipe her nose with a tissue. She gets it a little right, but its mostly just practice for now. It'd be just like a daughter of mine that she'd be able to use a tissue properly before she can talk. I guess we'll work on blowing get nose next.

Mimicry is her new thing. If one of us does something, she'll try it too. Sometimes with words like rice or cat. Or dancing – which is fun, at least when she dances to songs I like.

I tired exercising in front of her. When I did push ups, she lay on her tummy and kept going into cobra pose. She tried to do sit ups with me, but didn't have the muscles for it. So she walked over and kissed my belly in between sit ups. After a while she crawled onto my chest. So I kept doing the sit ups, but of course, it was much more challenging. But the baby giggles made up for it.

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