Sunday, 5 May 2013

Exercise in enunciation

While the girl was easing breakfast, she decided to say pəpaaɺ. I decided it was good time to teach her the difference between words to she's clear on what she wants.

I held up a piece of paper, saying paper clearly enunciating the A. Then I held up a pepper grinder, saying peper, making the E clear. Then I pointed to the browser on the computer saying PayPal, trying to make the difference between R and L more obvious.

She did repeat each one back at me, barring PayPal, which she just said Pal. Of course, once I stopped, she reverted to the ambiguous pəpaaɺ. And, of course, once I finally gave her a piece of paper and crayon to play with, she grabbed the squeegee and ran to the stairs to clean them with it

She's also started a habit of adding -ee to words. sockie for socks. Doggie for dog. Bucky for bucket. Duckie for ducks. Pocky for pockets. She also started using panties for pants, which actually does mean what she means, so that's ok.

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