Friday, 19 July 2013

Favourite book

Her favourite book is Boiloi gorl. She'll ask us to read it to her over and over again. This is what she calls Blueberry Girl, a poem Neil Gaiman wrote for a friend's soon-to-be-born daughter. The fact that my daughter loves this book pleases me greatly since I read excerpts of it at her naming ceremony.

I'll read the book to her, and she'll point to the animals in the book, saying their names. Sometimes she'll point to the baby in the book and say her own name, and point to the mother and say mamma. Sometimes she'll repeat lines back to me in her mostly-decent attempts at English Lady light, Lady dark or say lines I'm about to say instead of me Gifts boiloi gorl.

This is the first book she's gone to the efforts to memorise parts of and ask for by name. Daily. Or more often. It's got the point where we can calm down a crying fit by reciting parts to her (L and I pretty much have the whole thing memorised). This morning, she was hungry, tired and a bit ill, I only managed to stop a long crying fit by playing a video of Neil Gaiman reading the poem. Which I then put on repeat for half an hour to get her to eat breakfast.

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