Saturday, 8 February 2014

Now we are drawing

So the other day I decided to draw with the girl. She surprised me by suddenly being able to write letters. I drew a simple shape on paper and handed her the pencil. She drew an A. Then a B, then a C. And so on, with prompting, up to N. Barring some mishaps with N and J and K, they were all surprisingly recognisable. The later half of the alphabet wasn't as good. She managed reasonable attempts at O, P and Q without trouble, but the rest were mostly squiggles.

She's been tracing out letters on her blocks. I think that's been helping her on this. She has a set of tiles with a letter on one side and a picture on the other. For the past few days she's been playing with them in a new way. She'll say A is fooooooor, while tracing out the letter. Then she turns it over and says Apple. Repeat for all 20ish tiles she can find at the time.

The sad man

Three days ago she started drawing people. Recognisable as such, too. On a long bus ride home on Thursday she was was drawing people in the condensation on the window. After we got home I gave her some paper to draw on. She spent a few moments drawing and handed me sheet saying she drew a sad man. And it clearly is a sad man. At this point she'll draw better than me in a year (admittedly, I'm terrible).

Yesterday she was all about drawing faces. She's got all the parts in the right place, though she sometimes has trouble with positioning noses. We started with drawing letters and numbers, but she turned almost everything she drew into face.

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