Monday, 6 April 2020

Plague Diary: Day 21 - why can't this end?

This virus seems to be completely unable to make up its mind whether its coming or going. Every day starts with a normal temperature going into a fever. The "getting better" feeling I had at the end of last week has switched back to the same heavy-lunged drowseyness I was feeling in the first few days. The GP's given me antibiotics in case what I'm feeling is bacterial pneumonia. We should see shortly if this makes a difference or not.

L is spending all her energy keeping the house together – which I greatly appreciate given I have to nap for an hour if I try to hang up laundry. I think she's going a bit mad with all the work, plus looking after a crawling baby. And R is going a bit mad with all the freedom from schooling.

I found R had replaced her chore calendar with chores or her own making, like "Binge watch something" or "stay home" rather than the previous "take out compost" or "tidy room". I give her points for creativity. But zero for making family life easier.

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