On Tuesday I made the announcement to the extended family. The parents and siblings already knew, of course, so it was just a question of how to tell the cousins and aunts and uncles and so on. We debated a bit how to tell people, and in the end decide on a short and sweet email. We had thrown around a number of options, which got me thinking about how long distance communication has changed in the past few decades.
Thirty years ago a pregnancy announcement would have all been done almost entirely over the phone, calling on weekends or after 11pm. Phone the parents and siblings and maybe a few key extended family members and let them pass the info on virally. Some people might have even sent letters, or maybe some kind of share our joy
mass mailing greeting card. This is just a guess since, as a kid, I wasn't really privy to the we're having a baby
Twenty years ago would not have been much different. Close family would be told over the phone. The dozen or so people you knew in other countries or states that had email could be told by email. Mass announcements to friends could be done on the more social Usenet groups.
Ten years ago there was a bit more choice. The younger generation of many families had email, plus a few in the older generations. I suppose I would have phoned the immediate family, IM'd those I could find logged on when I was around, and emailed the relatives I could. Then just rely on them to pass it around.
Today I find IM to be fairly useless. There are so many types that everyone seems to have the one you're not on. So it's really hard to find anyone around. I didn't even bother phoning the immediate family to make the announcement in the first place - I just used Skype. A video call is so much better to see the eyebrows raise when you tell them you're expecting. We considered using Facebook, but apparently they limit messages to 20 people max, and I'm not ready for a wall post about this yet. We ended up going with email is that it's so saturated that just about everyone has an account. It's just the easiest way to reach as many people as possible.
So, I managed to pull together about 50 email addresses in an hour or so and I was pretty sure they all worked. I sent off the message in the morning and spent the rest of the day slowly getting congratulations from people who live further and further east from us. It was nice to get all the good wishes. I suppose the you're doomed, doomed, I tell you
comments will come from the friends when we tell them :)
On another note, I've decided this blog looks hideous. I need to sit down and figure out the set of bizarre incantations I need to invoke to twist this into something reasonable.