Starting Wednesday the Tories are decimating the childcare voucher benefit. Today it is £243 per month a parent can get tax free. Come Wed it will be £124 a month. Anyone already part of a work childcare voucher scheme can get the £243 rate for as long as they have children under 16. Anyone with their first child born on 6 April 2011 or later will be stuck with the lower rate forever.
I'm not quite sure I would go as far as to call this grossly unfair, I would say that it's annoying as hell. Yet another benefit that disappears from under me while my forthcoming child gestates. I can imagine, years later saying While you were in the womb, the Tories deprived you of literally thousands of pounds of benefits, all the while raising the cost of education thousands of pounds. And all this occurred in between when you were conceived and when you were born.
It seems like Tories only want people to get off to a good start if it's inherited.
The timing of all this is amazing. They could at least have a 9 month delay so that people who were intentionally breeding would at least get a chance to know what they were getting into. Anyone who actually bothered to sit down and do the maths and found that, yes, they can afford to have a child is now thoroughly screwed.
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