Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Meet the midwives

Today was the week 34 midwife appointment. Each one seems to be less milestonish than the one before. Today they took blood and urine and blood pressure. All seemed perfectly normal. They didn't bother with weight or anything. They did a quick palpation for the little one's position: head down, back to the right side. Then checked for the heartbeat. Barring the confirmation that she's head down, nothing was particularly interesting there. I can hear the heartbeat myself at this point – so nothing new for me.

Though, now that I think of it, I suppose the wife would like to get to hear it too.

Last week we went down to the open house "meet the midwives" day they do at UCH for people in low risk pregnancies. If you are low risk you can use the birthing centre and are generally just attended on by midwives, seeing a doctor only if things warrant it (and to be discharged). They have the open house so you can get to know them. Or perhaps so they can get to know you and treat you less like an ungrateful incubator when the time comes.

I noticed a few things. First, most of the blokes there looked really uncomfortable. The wife pointed out that none of the other couples did anything like holding hands or showing signs of affection. Another thing – about half the people were late. I shouldn't judge people on things like that, but it annoyed us that we sat through the same questions more than once. FWIW, I was pleased that when the 2nd midwife answered the same thing as the 1st one.

We weren't the oldest ones there. The youngest looked in their late 20s (though it's kind of hard to tell). But it makes sense if you think that only the older 1st time people really care to go out of their way to plan every detail of the birth. I can see how a 20 year old wouldn't be arsed.

Anyway, I am glad I went. I got my tedium questions answered How is parking - Hard. Just pay for a nearby car park; Is there Internet access - No. That sort of thing. And at least none of the midwives give me the creeps, which bodes well.

As a side note, somehow, not long ago, babies became cute instead of annoying. I now go over to friends' places to see or play with them. I'm not quite sure when that started. I know that anytime I see a small child and parents in public I observe them - that I know started after the pregnancy. But it doesn't feel any different than when we were looking for a flat and I noticed and observed every estate agent and for sale sign I saw.

I feel like I'm testing myself. Watching children to see what behaviour I can tolerate and what I still think is inappropriate (and avoidable to a good parent, I'm sure). I do believe I can do this and actually enjoy it, all the while not messing up this girl too terribly.

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