Tuesday, 29 November 2016


So we told the in-laws a few days ago. The wife did manage to give a slight sense of dread by asking for her niece (still at her grandparents' for American Thanksgiving) to leave the room. Though once she was gone we quickly announced we were expecting before they could imagine what horrible things it could have been.

Today we got the letter from UCH giving us the appointment date. No preliminary appointment this time, just straight to the 12 week scan in 3 weeks. L and I discussed if we should take the girl, since she'll be on school holidays by then. L was inclined to do so, which I can understand. Keeping the huge secret from the girl is not particularly nice. On the other hand, I don't want to involve her and get her hopes up until we're sure the pregnancy is all good. I suppose, in part, I'm falling back to my role in the last pregnancy of being paranoid and looking for anything which can possibly go wrong.

Unsurprisingly, we've taken down most of the childproofing and given away all the tiny baby reusable nappies, and the drawer of bottles and pumping equipment is now the girl's craft drawer. Can we get back all the stuff we gave away? When R was 6 months old I honestly thought I'd never be doing this again, so passing these along was the best way to get rid of the clutter. Will the people we gave it to still have it? Do we have to buy it afresh? For that matter, where in the bloody house are we going to put this stuff?

Right, time to start the ebaying and throwing out of stuff we know we don't need (see above to see how comfortable I am with that idea).

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