Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Now we lose teeth

Wobbly tooth! The girl has a loose tooth. It's the lower right incisor. I think this was her first tooth to come in, so it makes sense it's the first one out.

We all discovered it yesterday at her school's Winter Fayre. L got her a candied apple to eat on the way home. At some point when eating this she burst into tears. Which of course was because the hard apple was too rough on the tooth. After L consoled her, she became all excited, because her friends at school have been getting loose teeth for some time. And now it's her turn. So she came up to me and showed me her mouth, and I tested the tooth – and it definitely was wobbly. Excitement.

Of course I forgot all this and made her a bagel and lox for breakfast, which of course she could not eat. Treat fail.

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